
The AMBOK® Guide

AMI's objective from the certification programs is to create a foundation for individuals that want to pursue the field of IT architecture as a career using AMI's management approach. This will help standardize on how IT architecture is managed, implemented and staffed globally.


The Architecture Management Body of Knowledge (AMBOK® Guide) for information
technology is a reference guide that is taking a management approach to IT architecture to include definitions, processes, guidelines and frameworks that are generally accepted as best practice for IT architects. Organizations and IT staff can use the guide as a reference to help establish a consistent understanding and implementation of IT architecture.

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The guide takes an abstract view of IT architecture to define common processes, map out the different types of architecture, and highlight the importance of acquiring the right skills for IT architects.


Furthermore, the guide includes detailed skills and competency frameworks, map out the different architect career levels and specializations. The guide will help managers map a career development plans for IT architects.


The AMBOK® Guide can be purchased directly from our website below or through

Amazon using the following links.